Abramowitz Fine Arts, Inc.
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Lipstick Hill Gallery of Fine Arts
75 First Street
Keyport, New Jersey 07735
732 335 0380
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2 for One ! Choose any poster regular price, get an additional one FREE!
plus shipping - Highlight nature with the Gentle Kingdom poster to Preserve and Protect our most venerable creatures.
Make your selection under the sub- title "Buy Your Classic Poster" or email - mdabramowitz@aol.com - Don't forget the simplicity of PayPal
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& the current Art of Abramowitz
Gallery Shows
Enjoy the entire series;
2017 - First Edition - Watercolor Retrospect, Wildlife, Children's book illustrations, philatelics (partial collection)
"Abramowitz, Artist's Retrospect",
oils on canvas 1970-2015"
coffee table edition
2015 - "Life is Good!" © -
Stardust and her adopted best friend Oliver, the once sad, Sweet Yorkie
2013 "The Resilience of Lipstick Hill" ©
a tribute to Sandy's destruction
2011 - 2009 "The Gardens" and
2009's "Christmas at Lipstick Hill"©,
2nd edition published July, 2011.
Holiday & Note cards ,
classic 5x7 folded cards - "Max"
our Mute Swan with His Mate, Beauty,
"The Gates of Your Heart"©,
magnets and playing cards with our Mute Swans, floral highlights of Lipstick Hill
- Puzzles -"Stardust's Winter at Lipstick Hill"© plus clear acrylic paperweights of roses and wildlife
To order -S/N, L/E collector's books or any products from the Artist - Contact
732 335 0380 or 781 354 5351